Boxwood Maintenance
Below you can find an overview of the pages that contain all the information you need to keep your Boxwood in TOP condition. At first, we will share some advice on general Buxus maintenance. Then we will go into more detail on recognising the differences between the Boxwood caterpillar and the Boxwood blight, among others. Later on we will explain how you can easily keep these problems under control.
General Boxwood Maintenance
The Boxwood is a beautiful, evergreen, versatile plant. A beautiful Buxus hedge or a few tightly pruned topiaries give your garden a beautiful and exclusive appearance. To make sure that your Boxwood stays in top condition, the plant will need some care.
Boxwood Caterpillar Control
The Boxwood Caterpillar can be a persistent problem. It can wreak havoc on your plants if left untreated. Fortunately, it's fairly easy to keep the Boxwood Caterpillar under control.